Management of the Certificates for Foreign Students and Students from Taiwan, Hongkong and Macao

The number:


Management of the Certificates for Foreign Students and Students from Taiwan, Hongkong and Macao


1.Foreign students must enter China with an “X”visa.Within 30 days students must perform the required medical and physical examination and obtain a Residence Permit .Any student who fails to obtain this required Residency Permit within the allotted time will be subject to fines and penalties in accordance to the law.

2.Students returning to their nation of origin ,traveling to Hongkong ,Macao ,Taiwan or any other country ,need to follow the required procedures for obtaining the permission of the University, and in this way obtain the exit visa .The University must give permission for the student to obtain the exit visa and leave China.

3. When the students are performing the procedures for obtaining the student residency certificates ,the students should submit , in advance ,an application to the office of International exchange and cooperation .The University will assist the students with the applications procedures for resident permits which are issued by the Jingdezhen Municipal Security Foreign Affairs Branch.

4.Students should ensure the safety and security of their Residency Permits and other certificates and documents for study by giving said documents and certificates.The certificates are the property of the University and are not to be altered ,or mutilated in any manner ,In the event the passport is lost or stolen ,the student should go to police station and follow procedures for obtaining a certificate to the replacement passport and then the student will go the relevant embassy to get a new passport and will be required to reapply for a new resident permit from Jingdezhen Municipal Security Foreign Affairs Branch. Additional University administration fees will be charged to the student in assisting them in obtaining their replacement passport .

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设计支持:赋扬创意团队   技术支持:移动互联协会
