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录入:2020年10月13日 16:20 人气: 本网讯(国际合作与交流处)



Hello, and my warm greetings,My name is Dr.Mariana Amatullo, I am the President of CUMULUS International Association of universities and Colleges of art, design and media.i am a professor at the new school at the Parsons school of Design in New York City. And it is my great honor to join you today virtually to extend my warmest congratulations for the celebration of your 110 anniversary. We are delighted that Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute has joined the Cumulus family in 2019.And i would like to say that i wish you all the best to his esteemed excellency president Ninggang, to the faculty, to the students and researchers and artists and make the institute a stellar institution. It is. we are very proud to have you as a part of our Cumulus network and look forward to visiting you before long. Warm Congratulations on this very important anniversary.Thank you.
